Monday, June 11, 2012

Romarianne Wins!


Congratulations to Romarianne Romero for winning the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. She wins a brand new Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 and Techni-Ice goodies.

Romarianne likened Techni-Ice to the fusion of Ice Man and The Human Torch - hot and cold as one. She also thinks Techni-Ice can be used by many famous (and infamous) people. From Jessica Sanchez (to remind her of  Filipino warmth) to Manny Pacquiao (to ease his tired muscles) to jeepney drivers (to cool them down), this eco-mom believes everyone can benefit from Techni-Ice.

"It’s eco-friendly.  (As an eco-mom, i always buy product that is not just beneficial for my family but also beneficial for our environment and Techni-ice passed that standard.  It eliminates the use of plastic for making ice.  it can lesser the use of electricity for making foods stay cold."
"Techni-Ice Sheets has lots of benefits and usage and aside from my thoughts above, here are some examples scenario that i think Techni-ice would be perfect to use.  (if given a chance)"

To read Romarianne's complete post, please visit her blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Friday, June 8, 2012

Jacqueline's Needs


Jacqueline Canuto is a busy wife and mother. She first read about Techni-Ice through My Mom-Friday's review of the product. She immediately got interested but due to other priorities, she had to forego buying Techni-Ice.

Recently, she has not been feeling well. Migraine have been bothering her and how she wished she has the handy Techni-Ice to make her feel better. Aside from soothing her pain, she says, if she has Techni-Ice with her, she can use it during family trips, groceries, and transporting vaccines for their clinic.

"Onto a lighter note, headache is not just the reason why I wanted to have Techni-Ice also because I learned it can be used in many ways and it can be used hot or cold!"

This is Jackie's entry of the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. To read the complete post, please visit her blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Theresa Explains


Theresa Montino has worked with ice chest and coolers before. Her family had a small business in the province which helped educate her in the different equipment and materials for cooling.

Like most people, Techni-Ice is a pretty novel product. People still need to be educated on what the product is. By reading some information on our website, Theresa, with her background, understood how importance, versatile, and innovative Techni-Ice is.

"Techni-Ice provides the best of modern technology using commercial grade UV stabilized Polyethylene and then injecting high performance multi compound insulation under extreme pressure to the walls and the lids of our ice boxes/coolers. Well, that’s too techie terms already, but let’s just simply put it that Techni-Ice can stay frozen AS LONG AS dry ice so it’s the best polymer refrigerant in the market today!"

This is Theresa's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. To read her full post, please visit her blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

VinVin's Practical Mind


VinVin Jacla, like many people, did not know what Techni-Ice is. To satisfy his curious mind, he started researching and reading about the Number 1 replacement for dry and wet ice. He discovered the many uses and benefits of Techni-Ice not only at home but also for businesses or livelihood.

He cited an example where Techni-Ice can be used in improving livelihood - fishing. The fishing business is one of the biggest industry in the country. There are big fishing companies out there, but NGOs have continually supported the small fishermen by providing practical solutions like fiberglass boat making, marine life conservation, and many more.

According to VinVin, using Techni-Ice would benefit fishermen. It's reusable and can keep their catch much fresher and hygienic than ordinary wet ice.

"How: Well...everytime fishermen arrive on the shores from fishing, people immediately flock them to buy fish. How will you preserve their catch? How will you transport them to "farther" destinations? Put them in a container with Techni-Ice!"

This is VinVin's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. To read his complete article, please visit his blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Juvy's 9 Ways


Juvy Judith went backpacking with her friend a few years ago. During that time, she had terrible stomach cramps. No hot packs were in sight to help alleviate the pain. Had she discovered Techni-Ice at that time, she could've prevented humiliation.

Upon reading information about Techni-Ice, she has discovered various ways on where it can be applied. She listed down 9 ways where Techni-Ice would be beneficial for her:

"1. As part of my first-aid kit, every time I travel abroad or around the country.
2. At home to soothe my tired muscle after work.
3. As part of my lunch bag to keep my food warm.
4. As ice pack after joining a 10K fun run or just after work-out.
5. In the cooler during company outings to preserve perishable foods.
6. In the cooler when I am camping at Mt. Pulag with my friends.
7. In the cooler when I am at the beach with my family.
8. As a gift to my mom for her food business.
9. As a gift to my dad to store his catch when he goes fishing."

This is Juvy's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. To read the full post, go to her blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Gracee's Business and Travel Plans


Divine Grace Bongolan's family owns a computer shop. She also loves to travel. What do running a business and a love for travel have in common? Gracee has found that Techni-Ice is useful for both.

At their computer shop, Gracee can use Techni-Ice to cool their drinks. This application would allow them to save on electricity bill instead of using a fridge. During travel, she plans to use the Techni-Ice sheets to keep their drinks ice-cold and food fresh.

Gracee believes Techni-Ice is perfect for her lifestyle.

"I am totally recommending Techni Ice to everyone:) Go try it out and you will not regret it."

This is Grace's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. To read the full post, please read her blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Monday, June 4, 2012

Diana's Discovery


Diana Alvarado first discovered Techni-Ice last December. She used her Techni-Ice sheets to deliver Christmas hams to family members during the holidays. The longer she has Techni-Ice with her, the more applications she has discovered. From parties to long drives, from beach outing to groceries, Diana always has her Techni-Ice sheets handy and ready.

Aside from various applications, she also discovered that by using Techni-Ice instead of wet ice, you are helping the environment. Here's how:

"Now that I think about it, Techni-ice actually helps the environment too. Ice melts fast and so you'd be needing more of it. You'd also be needing to refill your cooler with ice a few hours after. It's costly. Aside from that, ice is wrapped in plastic. When ice melts, plastic becomes waste. Plastic is a non-biodegradable waste. Water from the melt gets thrown away too. With techni-ice, you can stay away from waste plastic and you can save water."

This is Diana's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. For the full post, please read Diana's blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Jayson's Techni-Ice Adventure


Jayson Biadog loves adventure. He loves the outdoors, traveling and sports. He also loves to win. With this personality, Jayson only chooses a winning product that could match his very active lifestyle. He says Techni-Ice is a perfect companion for him.

From a hot day in Hong Kong to a cold night in Tagaytay, from the racetrack to future winter sports, Jayson could think of numerous ways to use Techni-Ice in numerous locations and activities.

Here's what he has got to say:

"So with my adventurous sporty quick bachelors lifetyle I need something quick handyTechni-Ice that is handy. That you can easily use as cold compress even for sports injury or summer fever."

This is Jason's entry to the Techni-Ice Your Own Way Blog Contest. For the full post, read Jayson's blog now.

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to

CebuCon 2012


It's Cebu Construction Show time once again and with this, here are some of the ways you can use Techni-Ice at a construction site and after a long day's construction work.

Construction site:
1. Put frozen Techni-Ice in a cooler to cool the drinks of the workers.
2. Cool down during break when the temperature's burning.

Construction work:
1. Hot or cold compress after a long and tiring construction work. Goodbye, muscle aches.
2. Hot or cold compress should injuries or accidents arise.

You're invited

Okay, so we won't be there. It's a construction show, after all. But, in behalf of our mother company, SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc, we would like to invite everyone in Cebu to drop by the SEA Olympus booth at the SM Trade Hall. The show will open until the fourth of June.

Talk to our sales team and technical experts and get big, big discounts on select trading items.Participating products are: Sparko Surface Coating, Ecofoam Polyurethane Insulation Foam, Verzaflex Solid Surface, Sunshield Polycarbonate Sheets, Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets, and Shutter Polycarbonate Sheets.

We hope to see you there.

SEA Olympus booth

Where we are

SEA Olympus Marketing, Inc and Olympus Ice are the exclusive distributor of Techni-Ice in the Philippines. For more information about our product, please check our website, or send an email to
